Ling Zhou
Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor at Duke University
My name is Ling Zhou (周玲). I am currently a Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor at Duke University, and my mentor is Prof. Ezra Miller.
I obtained my Ph.D. in the Department of Mathematics at the Ohio State University in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Facundo Mémoli. In Fall 2023, I was a Semester Postdoc at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), located at Brown University. My postdoc mentor was Prof. Vladimir Itskov.
My research interests are
Applied topology
Computational geometry
Topological data analysis
Find more about my research here: Google Scholar
Office: Room 208, Physics Building, 120 Science Dr, Durham, NC 27710
My appearance at conferences/workshops
2024/10/19-20, the AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting at UAlbany
2024/10/11-13, AISC conference at UNCG
2024/03/23-24, the AMS Spring Sectional Meeting at Florida State University
2024/03/11-15, Topology Seminar at UCSB, Santa Barbara.
2024/02/25-03/01, Dagstuhl Seminar 24092 at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
2024-01, JMM, San Francisco (Talk 1, Talk 2)
2023-Fall, Semester Program at ICERM
2023-07, WinCompTop 3, Bernoulli Center
2023-06, AIM workshop, San Jose
2023-06, SoCG 2023, Dallas
2023-06, GTDAML, Boston
2023-03, AMS special session, Georgia Tech
2023-03, AIM workshop, San Jose
2023-01, JMM, Boston
2022-06, ATMCS, Oxford
2022-06, AWM, UMN
2022-06, SoCG 2022, Berlin
2022-05, MRC, Buffalo